Engagement Survey

On May 10, 2021, a sample of non-represented staff will receive an email invitation to participate in the UC Staff Engagement Survey, created by the Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA).

A sample of Berkeley Lab non-represented Career staff will receive a survey invitation form the survey administrator Willis Towers Watson, where they can provide valuable information about their experiences, needs and impressions working for Berkeley Lab.

Roughly 20,000 staff across UC are invited to participate in the survey, which is completely confidential, meaning personally identifying information will not be shared with the Lab or UC.

For more information about the UC Staff Engagement survey, please refer to the UCnet article.

Overview of CUCSA Engagement Surveys

What is the CUCSA Engagement survey?

University of California conducts a biannual systemwide Staff Engagement Survey. The survey was developed by the Council of University of California Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) in collaboration with Systemwide Human Resources’ Employee Relations department. The survey is administered by the firm, Willis Towers Watson, on UC’s behalf.

Why does University of California conduct this survey?

University of California wants to create and sustain a work environment that enables staff to fully contribute to our mission of excellence in teaching, research, and public service. The employee opinions gathered through the survey help the organization assess the level of involvement, commitment and satisfaction staff feel toward their work. Conducting the survey every few years enables us to identify positive trends and opportunities for improvement.

Are my survey answers confidential?

Yes. Under no circumstances will anyone within this organization see your individual responses. All responses are reported “blind” - without employee names attached to them. Ensuring confidentiality is another reason an outside firm was hired to administer the survey.

Is the survey available in other languages?

Currently, the survey is in English.

What happens with the survey results?

Survey results are shared with UC leadership, including the Berkeley Lab Director, Chief HR Officer and the Chief IDEA Officer by the CUCSA delegates. Survey highlights will also be communicated more broadly to the Lab community (see past survey highlights below).